Thinking about the year ahead

We’re starting 2024 thinking about what God might have in store for us. Not necessarily us as a ‘church’ but each of us as individuals… that’s right, for you!

Central to this we’re thinking about Church as God’s environment for our discipleship. We’re trying to step back from our habits, assumptions and past experiences of Church to look with fresh eyes and ask two things: What is fruitful for us in Church and what might God be wanting to do through our involvement with Church this year.

To do this we’ve created a booklet which you can use as a reflective exercise. This booklet started its life with Hub Leaders thinking about what stories we dream of hearing emerge from different aspects of Exeter Vineyard. This has been turned into a series of statements - all starting with “I am increasingly” - that we can consider for our own experience.

Possibly we’ll find some that are true (maybe we hadn’t noticed before) and can celebrate. Maybe there are some statements that don’t seem true, but feel like a prompt from God for us to do something a bit different to open ourselves up to God’s transforming power.

You can repeat the exercise for the four environments - our everyday life, Discipleship Groups, Hubs and the Sunday Service.

You can hear Dave talk about and explain the booklet in the podcast from Sunday 21st January.

You can download the booklet here or grab a paper copy at a Sunday Service.


The Romans Course


New Wine ‘24